Check out our downloads and special guides for parents.
If you are planning a caesarean birth, you need our e-book Your Caesarean Birth.
If you’ve just had a baby, hiring a Valley® Cushion from us could be very helpful.
Your Caesarean Birth
The ultimate guide to preparing for a caesarean, what happens during the operation and how to manage afterwards. Full-colour and printer-friendly versions.
How to Do Hypnobirthing
A no-nonsense guide from a highly experienced hypnobirthing practitioner and doula
Packing for Hospital
Whatever kind of birth you hope for, this handy checklist will make sure you don’t forget anything vital!
Average sleep needs to age 7
A guide to how much sleep your child will need at different ages.
How do I know if my baby needs a nap?
Some of the signs that a little one is getting tired are easy to miss. Here’s a useful checklist.
The Perfect Bedtime
Our recipe for a perfect bedtime
Teething Guide
Top tips for teething troubles - a free downloadable guide and checklist