FAQs: Sleep

What is special about gentle/holistic sleep coaching?

A growing number of professionals working with babies and little children are turning their backs on the idea that children have to be “trained” to sleep and instead prefer to look more closely at the underlying reasons why babies and children sleep as they do. This approach aims to work with a child’s developmental stage and abilities in building good, sustainable sleep habits.

Some sleep trainers seem to be cheaper and promise instant results! Why should I choose The Baby Experience?

Nobody can guarantee any child’s sleep, but if the trainer promises “instant” results, then they may be suggesting strategies which can cause immense distress to both parent and child and which may not even have a lasting effect. Our initial consultation looks in detail at the family’s routines and needs. We then create a tailor-made action plan which respects your family as a unique entity.

But the action plan is only the start. Our clients get up to six weeks of ready support by text/phone/email after the initial consultation. We sometimes find ourselves offering hours of ongoing support in this way, because we want you to feel we really are there for you.

How can you help with our baby’s sleep without being in the room?

We do offer overnight support, but it’s not what people usually want from us. A more affordable option is to work with videos and recordings of your bedtime routine, or to simply let us listen in by phone. That way your little one isn’t distracted by the presence of a stranger in the room.

We commit to complete confidentiality and destroy all recordings, videos and images after the consultation period.